Writing + Speaking


I write both artistic and functional texts. Many of them are written to mediate - an idea, a feeling, an analysis, a concept or an artist’s work. I write in German, English and bits & pieces of many other languages. 


Since 2018, I've been writing the leib&leben column for the Austrian feminist magazine an.schläge in which I focus on topics concerning the body in relation to society. 


Conceptualizing discursive formats and moderating panels, discussions and artist talks is a particular passion of mine. 


I also hold artist lectures, talks and presentations in which I provide insight into my own practice.   

Artistic Writing +  Text based  Art

Portfolio by request.

Work Examples

Schutzraum Rampenlicht (shelter in the limelight) 
- a text on S_P_I_T_ Queer Performance Festival Vienna  
  in German or English

Feminismus, Klassenkampf und Liebe (zur Gestaltung)
- a text on artist Magdalena Fischer’s body of work.

Selected columns as free reads on www.anschlaege.at

Latest moderations include: artist talk with Tanja Erhart & Katharina Senk on the aesthetics of access at brut Wien, the talk Störfaktor Arbeiter*innenklasse with Jakob Lena Knebl and Jelena Micić at Depot - Kunst und Diskussion, in which we elaborated on class discrimination in the art field, a talk with visual artist Constanze Schweiger on her exhibition at Kleine Stadt Farm or the conversation Let’s Talk about Sex. Art, Work, Rights! with Red Edition members Trajche Janushev and Alina-Michelle Seiler. 

Reading performance: Writing for the unbearable Now, Belvedere21, Vienna. Photo: eSeL.at 

©Julischka Stengele All Rights Reserved2024